Experiential Learning laptop borrowing policy

Who can borrow a laptop? 

Students enrolled in an Experiential Learning (EL) course may borrow a laptop at any time during the course. Students must submit the following forms to library staff: 

EL laptop lending form - for instructors

  • Online form to be filled out by the instructor of the EL course 
  • Please have your instructor fill out this form before coming to the library 

EL laptop lending form - for students

  • Paper form (PDF) to be printed out and signed by you, the student 
  • You may also pick up a copy of this form from the library 
  • Please bring this form with you to the library when signing out a laptop 

How many laptops are available?  

There are five laptops available to borrow. 

Where and for how long can I borrow a laptop? 

Laptops can be borrowed from the Information Desk at the UTSC Library. The laptop must be returned in person to the Info Desk.  

Laptops may be borrowed for up to two weeks and the loan can be renewed if no requests have been submitted by other students. Laptops are made available on a first come, first served basis. 

Who is responsible for laptop loss or damage? 

As a borrower of a laptop, you will be responsible for any damage to the laptop or for its loss. For your own security, please do not under any circumstances leave a laptop unattended. The replacement charge for a laptop is up to $1,500. Charges for missing laptop accessories also apply - $25 for a carrying case; $50 for a power cord or AC adapter. A repair fee will be levied for damaged laptops. Any laptop equipment malfunctions should be reported immediately to Library staff. 

What’s available on the laptops? 

Microsoft 365, Teams, and Zoom are installed on the laptops. 

What do I get when I borrow a laptop? 

Each laptop is equipped with a power cord or AC adapter and a carrying case. 

How do I sign on? 

Use your UTORid to sign on to the laptop. 

Where’s the mouse? 

Please use the trackpad. You may also use your own mouse.  

Can I plug in the laptop? 

The laptops will include a power cord upon signing-out. Borrowers are encouraged to use the power cord as the library does not guarantee that there will be power in the battery at the time of lending. 

How do I save files? 

Use a USB flash drive to save your files. All files saved to the laptop hard drive will be lost upon logging out or rebooting the computer. All personal information (passwords, saved documents, etc.) is automatically cleared once you log off the laptop.  

What if I need help? 

You are expected to be self-directed in your use of the laptop. It is assumed that you will be familiar with the Mac operating system and with Microsoft 365.  

IITS operates a student helpdesk in the library if needed. Assistance with the use of online library databases and resources is available at the Info Desk in the library. 

Can I use the laptop for international travel? 
