About Archival Deed of Gift

Deed of Gift 

A Deed of Gift is required for all gifts-in-kind to document the transfer of ownership of the materials to the University of Toronto Scarborough Library Archives & Special Collections.  The Deed of Gift will describe the scope and content of the gift in kind, the obligations of the University Archives to the donor and the donor’s obligations to the University Archives. 

Among the issues to be considered are confidentiality, copyright, the disposal of non-archival materials (either returned to the Donor or permission to destroy), preservation and use of the materials in the University Archives reading room. The length of the Deed of Gift is directly related to the complexity and extent of the private records gift. 

Archives staff will discuss all relevant issues with the prospective donor before the Deed of Gift is prepared. Gifts for which a tax receipt for the fair market value will exceed $1000 or more must be accompanied by a signed Deed of Gift.  

Donors must provide full details on whether or not they have owned the property for more than three years, and whether it was acquired with the intention of donation. They must also assert that the donor is the sole owner (and/or creator) of the property and that the property is free of debt or lien.