Guidelines to install and perform student art projects


  • Submit a permission form (see below) for art installations in the University of Toronto Scarborough Library
  • Note that 72 hours notice is required
  • If the project is likely to be controversial, students will notify Campus Safety so that they can assist with any complaints


Ensuring the safety of library users is a concern of the library. Students will not endanger themselves, other participants, or the audience of the installation.

In particular, students will not:

  • Use ladders
  • Obstruct fire exits or public passageways (minimum 5’/1.5m clearance)
  • Use open flames

Students will install art projects safely, including securing extension cords or other cables with duct tape.


Students will not:

  • Engage in racist or sexist activity
  • Disturb classes or study areas (without permission)

When in doubt about what causes a disturbance, students should consult the Coordinator of User Services.

Installation guidelines

Students will not:

  • Obstruct access to library collections
  • Permanently damage walls, floors, ceilings or windows
  • Permanently alter the building or any part of the building
  • Engage in major construction without permission
  • Use nails or screws without permission
  • Use adhesives on painted surfaces without permission

Adhesives used on non-painted surfaces must be removed and all gummy areas cleaned by the students; in most instances masking tape should be used.

Mess/clean up

  • Students will remove the project within the agreed upon time
  • Students will clean the area & return it to its original condition
  • Students must provide any cleaning supplies needed to return the space to its original condition


  • The library does not assume responsibility for theft or damage to artwork
  • Students are responsible for any damage caused by their installation
  • Students who do not comply with the guidelines will not be given permission to install projects in the future

Guidelines adapted from UTSC Facilities Management

First and Last Name (e.g., John Smith)
e.g. VPSA70H3
Date and time span of display or performance (e.g., March 13, 2013 - 1-2pm) or Date range of display (e.g., March 13 to March 20, 2013)
e.g. supervision by students or others while art is displayed, participants in performance, etc.
e.g., electrical outlets, lighting, etc.
e.g., sound level, movement of library furniture or materials, attachment to library furniture, walls or materials, etc.