10 ways to use the UTSC Library

Welcome to the U of T Scarborough Library! Whether you’re a student, faculty or staff member, the library is your home for a range of services. From research support to mindfulness spaces, discover below ten ways you can use the library this year to maximize your success this year:  

  1. Meet with your liaison librarian 

  • Liaison librarians are your partners in research excellence at the University. As researchers themselves, librarians can work with you at all stages of your research lifecycle. Reach out today to chat with a librarian for your subject area!  
  1. Book a study space  

  • The library provides the largest monitored quiet study space on campus! Grab a study carrel (a.k.a. study desk) for a spot between classes. Looking to study with a friend or two? Book a group study room! And yes – some food and drink are allowed in the Library! Learn more about our food and drink policy
  1. Create in the Makerspace   

  1. Access class materials through course print and e-reserves  

  1. Relax in the Mindfulness Space 

  • Take a break in the Mindfulness Space, located near the Archives and Special Collections room. Find yoga mats, comfy seating, wellness books – or even take a nap – in this dedicated relaxation zone. Follow us on social media at @UTSCLibrary for space updates. 
  1. Access materials across U of T and beyond   

  • Need materials from other U of T libraries? You can request items for pick-up at the UTSC Library through the Intercampus Delivery (ICD) service.    
  • Looking for materials at other institutions? You can request books, articles and more via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). We'll search institutions around the world and request a copy for you to view, borrow or download.  
  1. Borrow fun reads   

  • Ready for a relaxing read? Borrow novels and magazines from the UTSC Library's popular collection! Check out what’s currently available behind the front library reading nook.   
  1. Borrow an extra charger and more through the Tech Lending Program  

  • Looking for an extra charger? Scientific calculator? Or a portable display screen? Borrow these items and more through the technology lending service at the course reserves area in the library. Ask us at the front Information Desk!   
  1. Play movies & games   

  • Taking a break from that Netflix subscription? You can borrow DVDs at the library or stream movies through Criterion-On-Demand - a service featuring thousands of films, including recent Hollywood blockbusters. 
  • Hosting a games night? Borrow board games like dominoes and monopoly and video games such as Mario Kart, Elden Ring and much more! Visit the Information Desk to learn more.  
  1. Browse unique collections at U of T Scarborough 

Discover even more in the UTSC Library by visiting us in person, browsing our website, or following us online at @UTSCLibrary.