Apply for the UTSC Library Storytelling Fellowship 2024-25

The U of T Scarborough Library is pleased to announce an open call for the fourth cohort of the UTSC Library Storytelling Fellowship. This Fellowship provides up to three students the opportunity to spend October 2024 – April 2025 immersed in the art and practice of storytelling, developing skills while promoting and documenting Tamil folk culture. 

Please take note that the program has changed its structure from last year. 

Application deadline is September 15, 2024.

In this Page



Storytelling Fellows will collaborate with Library staff and appropriate partners to coordinate and host 4 open storytelling events over the year, with a focus on folk stories and performance (old and new) relevant to the Tamil population.  The final event must have a performance element either coordinated or performed directly by the Storytelling Fellows. Where possible and appropriate, these events should be recorded and added to the Digital Tamil Studies collections.  

Through these events, students will have the chance to network and collaborate with U of T Scarborough and wider community groups based on their areas of interest and focus (see: Application process). 



Commitment & Compensation

Students must commit an average of 4 hours a week to the Fellowship between September and April to receive compensation for the Fellowship. A further budget is allocated for costs related to events, such as catering or honorariums. Fellows will receive $4,000 over the Fellowship. Details of compensation and commitment will also be described in our Information Sessions. 


Role of Fellows

You will participate in the planning and execution of 4 events, collaborating and networking with members of the U of T and wider community and will host the events (introducing speakers).  

Sample events could include invited speakers on Tamil-relevant storytelling topics (specific stories or artistic practices) or workshops on special storytelling-relevant topics (elements of digital storytelling, community archiving, or promoting other performance skills).  

The events should reflect your specific interests in Storytelling, outlined in your application.  

In past years, students have focused on the Legend of Ponnivala (alternately: The Land of the Golden River) based on the collected research works of Anthropologist Dr. Brenda Beck, creating new interpretations and performances of this Tamil folk epic. The U of T Scarborough Library stewards Dr. Beck’s work on the topic, including animations and graphic novels.  


Eligibility & Application Process  

We encourage you to apply if you are interested in storytelling, community building, education and/or arts/performance. Past Fellows have represented a range of disciplines, and we ask only that you have enthusiasm for the topics and skills developed in this Fellowship.  

The UTSC Library is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment where different perspectives and experiences are valued. Candidates who are members of Indigenous, Black, racialized and 2SLGBTQ+ communities, persons with disabilities, and other equity deserving groups are encouraged to apply. Also, students must be registered at the University of Toronto as a full-time student, and past their first year of study at the start of the Fellowship. Priority will be given to students who are at U of T Scarborough or have experience or affiliation with the campus. 

Submission Documents

  • Unofficial transcripts
  • CV (Curriculum Vitae)
  • Statement of Interest

Submit required paperwork to - deadline September 15, 2024. 

Statement of Interest

In your statement of interest, please let us know  

  • your interest or connection to Tamil culture (students need not be Tamil),  
  • an idea for a storytelling event or performance that would promote or document folk Tamil culture
  • your relevant experience (this could include languages you know, musical expertise, or experience with storytelling/drama clubs and live performance).  
  • how you believe this storytelling Fellowship will prepare you to meet future goals.   


Information Sessions

Learn more in our Zoom Virtual Information Sessions (registration required from U of T Zoom Accounts).

Friday, April 10, 12-1 p.m. EST Register for Zoom Session
Friday, May 3, 12-1 p.m. EST Register for Zoom Session
Friday, September 6, 12-1 p.m. EST     Register for Zoom Session


If you are interested in the Fellowship but cannot make an information session, or have additional questions, please contact us at