Student Library Workers
Students play an important role in the library: from answering questions, to supporting the circulation of materials, to working on special projects. The library hires undergraduate students from the U of T Scarborough and graduate students from across the U of T system. Other paid job opportunities are available through the Emerging Professionals Program.
Graduate Student Reference Assistant positions (GSRA)
The U of T Scarborough Library posts GSRA positions annually. These positions provide weekend reference, research, and fulfillment services to students, faculty, staff, and other library patrons. The incumbent is also involved with activities of the reference team and participates in projects on an as-needed basis. Graduate students are eligible for these positions. We are hiring for Winter 2025 term. There is currently >one open position (start January 2025). Jobs are also posted on CLNx
Current Postings
There are currently no new postings.
Student Library Assistant positions (SLA)
The U of T Scarborough Library User Services unit hires Student Library Assistants (SLAs) for part-time casual positions. These positions provide customer service and support to library patrons (students, faculty, staff) at the Information and Reference Desk (InfoDesk) and in the Library Makerspace. Students who receive these jobs are trained to assist patrons, enforce policies, collect statistics, support maintenance of the collection and other duties as required. Jobs are posted on CLNx.
Current Postings
There are currently no new postings.
