Food and Drink

Dear Scarby, Can we have some vending machines in the library? - Got the Munchies

Dear Munchies,

I checked with the librarians and they're not opposed to the idea of vending machines but they do take up a lot of room and create garbage. Another concern is that they can be noisy, especially when they're being refilled. Luckily there are some vending machines pretty close to the library. Turn right as you exit the library and you'll find vending machines with plenty of healthy options and some treats too. You can bring a snack back into the library as long as it's nothing aromatic or messy.

Yours truly,

Scarby H. Hedgehog

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Dear Scarby, It's really annoying that people eat smelly food in the library. I thought that wasn't even allowed. - Cool Dude

Dear Cool Dude, Nothing bugs a library hedghog more than someone eating smelly, messy food! Snacks that don't disturb others and drinks in spill proof containers are okay though. 

Yours truly,

Scarby H. Hedgehog

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