Dear Scarby, Can we have more power outlets in the library? - Underpowered
Dear Underpowered,
The library added 40 more outlets in the past year, for a total of over 300 outlets in the computer areas, study carrels, lounge seating, and group study rooms. If you need to charge your phone, you can get a cable and battery pack in the course reserves section. The best news is that the library is under renovation and is planning to add many, many more outlets by 2023.
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog
Dear Scarby, How long can we use the library computers, and do we need to reserve computer time? - Carl, 1st year
Dear Carl, You can use the computers as long as you need to, when the library is open, and you don't need to reserve them. If you have to leave for a few minutes to take a break away, don't leave your things unattended and keep in mind that the computers automatically log off and erase any unsaved work after being idle for 30 minutes. Can't find an available computer? Try the computer labs on BV 4th floor--one of them is open 24 hours!
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog
Dear Scarby, Does the UTSC Library offer any laser cutting or Cricut makers services? - Maker in the making
Dear Maker,
The Library Makerspace has a Cricut, plus a whole bunch of other fun maker stuff like 3D printers, scanners, and even a button maker and sewing machine to spark creativity! Watch the video to get started.
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog
Dear Scarby, there are so many great things in the library. I have always wondered, what items in the library are borrowed the most? - Fact Seeker, 4th year
Dear Fact Seeker,
If you’ve ever stepped inside the UTSC library, you’re sure to have noticed that it’s quite a large library. With over 300,000 items in the collection, there is a lot to choose from. Although there are a few items that attract the students’ attention the most. One of these items is season one of Game of Thrones on DVD, which has circulated 56 times. The most popular book is also “A Game of Thrones” which has been borrowed 77 times and seems to prove that “the book was better” indeed. The UTSC Library has more than just books and DVDs. There is also a Tech Lending collection. The most popular items from that collection are the lighting to USB cables; each one of them circulates about 400 times a year. The latest additions to the library’s collection include video games and board games. Although they were only added a couple of months ago, I am sure they will be one of the more popular items among students and library users to enjoy! Heck, I’m going to take out Scrabble right now.
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog