Dear Scarby, How do I search for a book? - Searching Student
Research Help
Dear Searching,
Most searches start by using the everything search, which is that search bar on the UTSC Library homepage. If you know the title of the book, type in the title in quotes: "Alice in Wonderland"
If you're looking for a book on a subject, type in your subject. It might be modern dance or violence in 1990s movies.
If you get stuck, come to the Info Desk in the library and we'll be happy to help!
Yours Truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog
Dear Scarby, Can I read news articles or newspapers online? - Newshound
Dear Newshound,
You can go to the UTSC Library website. If you're looking to read an issue of a particular newspaper type the name of it in the search bar. Or if you want to look for articles by title or subject, enter your keywords in the search bar and hit enter, then use the format filter to select "articles". You can also search for newspaper articles directly in the newspaper article search bar.
For more tips or to look for newspapers geographically, see the newspapers research guide. Have fun "sniffing out" the latest news!
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog
Dear Scarby, As an undergrad, how can I get research experience that I can add to my resume? - Aspiring Researcher, 4th year
Dear Aspiring,
That's a great question! There are a bunch of ways you can get research experience, and get some publications or presentations, by reaching out to your professors or peers to get in on an existing project or by designing your own research question with the help of a librarian. You can even apply for some cash prizes to help out with expenses. Check out the UTSC Undergraduate Research and Creative Forum and the UTSC Undergraduate Research and Creative Prize, which are open to undergrads enrolled at UTSC who have completed 3.5 credits. There's also the Patricia and Peter Shannon Wilson Undergraduate Research Prize, for first-entry U of T undergraduate students. Good luck!
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog
Dear Scarby, My grades are lower than I hoped. What can I do, and can anyone help me? - Struggling, 1st year
Dear Struggling,
I totally relate! When I first got to UTSC it was a lot to handle. Try exploring the supports available at UTSC. Here are a few people that helped me: UTSC library Information and Reference desk or your liaison librarian for research help for papers ; The Writing Center for hands-on writing support––you can even ask their advice at the planning stage ; professor’s office hours––profs and TA’s are usually really helpful if you ask them ; Academic Advising & Career Center (AA&CC)––they have study skills workshops on note taking, reading, time management, and much more! ; and for me, personally, sometimes I just need a sympathetic ear––check out the Health & Wellness Centre!
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog
Dear Scarby, Help! I have so many assignments this semester and I don’t how to keep on track with them all! - Buried in Assignments, 3rd year
Dear Buried, I know keeping track of all your assignments can be difficult, but don’t worry because I have a great tool that can help you. Allow me to introduce you to my little friend called the Assignment Planner! I think you two would be a perfect match. It breaks down all the different steps of your assignments for you and then gives you a time plan that you can follow. All you have to do is enter the dates you want to start and finish your assignment and what kind of assignment it is and voila!, you get a detailed plan that will help you keep track of your assignment!
Yours truly,
Scarby H. Hedgehog