Course reserves - instructor requests

Note: For U of T Scarborough instructors only

The course reading lists service for instructors makes online and print resources available to students to support current courses, within U of T copyright guidelines.

Instructors can make course readings available online through Quercus, the University's online learning management system. In addition, instructor can set aside – i.e., 'reserve' – physical items such as books and DVDs in the Course Reserves/Short Term Loan section of the U of T Scarborough Library.

  • Our course reserves team will review your course materials for coverage by the University of Toronto's Fair Dealing Guidelines or an existing license, and negotiate copyright clearance for any items that exceed these. 
  • Our staff will investigate the possibility of acquiring electronic versions of texts that instructors would typically place on reserve where possible. Please read our statement on the challenges of replicating physical reserves in an electronic context.
  • Publishers do not make available some types of e-books, including most textbooks, for purchase by libraries. We regret that not every request will be able to be fulfilled.
  • Our staff will also scan chapters of print books, within copyright allowances.

Library Reading List in Quercus

  • The library started using a new reading list application called Library Reading List to prepare course reading lists in Fall 2021.
  • The new application streamlines access to a wide variety of course and library materials for students and instructors by being closely integrated with Quercus and our library resources.
  • The submission instructions, and instructions on how to make the finished readings visible to your students, are described below.

Request readings

Email your course syllabus to Note: As we receive many requests for readings to be posted to Quercus, required readings are given priority. For recommended readings, we will make sure that there is at least one copy in the University of Toronto library system.

You will also need to add the library reading list module to your course menu in Quercus so that it is visible to students.

The Library Reading List app is already installed in Quercus, but the link to this tool must be made visible to students by the following steps:

  1. In your Quercus course menu, select "Settings" (at the bottom left corner)
  2. Select the "Navigation" tab (at the top of the screen)
  3. Select and drag "Library Reading List" up from the list of hidden navigation items to the list of visible navigation items in the top half of this list. Place it where you would like it to appear in the course menu
  4. Save your change

Students will now have access to the Library Reading List app in their course side navigation bar. If the readings fail to appear, please ensure you have selected "Library Reading List" and not "Library Resources." To access readings, students select the "Library Reading List" option from their Quercus course menu. 

Print books

  • At least 6 weeks before the start of your course, complete a request form below or e-mail your reading list or a request, including the course title, code, title and author, to
  • Please note that we do not place on reserve books from other U of T Libraries.
  • We review items on reserve every year and will contact you before the start of the semester.

Copyright questions

Scanned materials such as portions of published books and articles not available electronically must meet copyright requirements.

Visit the University of Toronto Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office website or your liaison librarian for more information.

Term Required
Loan Period 1:
Loan Period 2:
Loan Period 3: