What are course reserves?
Instructors can make course readings available online through Quercus, the University's online learning management system, or as physical items that can be borrowed from the Course Reserve/Short Term Loan section at the UTSC Library.
Where are physical course reserves located?
Check your syllabus or contact your instructor for information about where your assigned course readings are located. Your instructor can set aside (i.e., 'reserve') physical items such as books and other course readings and have them placed in the Course Reserves/Short Term Loan section at the UTSC Library. Physical course reserves are located 20 steps to the left of the InfoDesk (see image above).
Where are online course reserves located?
Your instructor can make your assigned online course materials available through the Library Reading List module on your Quercus course page. These materials can include articles, books, web links, and media resources. If your instructor is using the Library Reading List module:
- Look for the Library Reading List app in your Quercus course navigation
- The courses in 1) which you are enrolled and 2) which have Library Reading Lists, will be listed
- To launch a course reading list, select the specific course you want
Having trouble finding or accessing your online course readings in Quercus? Visit our "Accessing online course readings" help page for more information or ask your liaison librarian.
For Instructors only: Learn more about Course Reserves under Course reserves - instructor requests
Questions or feedback? Please email readinglist-library@utsc.utoronto.ca.