What are the benefits of participating in the University of Toronto Scarborough Undergraduate Research and Creative Forum?
The University of Toronto Scarborough Undergraduate Research and Creative Forum gives students an opportunity to gain experience disseminating research, knowledge and creative work to an academic community, share their scholarship and experiences with peers, and develop their presentation skills. The forum also provides the perfect opportunity for students interested in becoming involved in research to learn more about the accomplishments and interests of other University of Toronto Scarborough students.
All selected finalists will receive a notation on their transcript as part of Co-Curricular Record program, and an honorarium.
A digital version of each finalist’s research or creative display, or presentation recording will be posted on the library website with the option to more permanently archive their work in TSpace.
What is considered an eligible project for the purposes of the Forum?
This Forum is ideal for all students completing capstone projects, independent research or creative projects, or other faculty mentored scholarly activities where there are at least preliminary findings to report. Student presentations may include material that has been or will be presented elsewhere, however, students cannot re-submit the same project as in previous years unless there are significant changes or advancements in the final product.
Acceptable submissions for the Forum can vary widely by discipline.
Examples of works may include lab-based, field-based, experimental or theoretical projects that answer basic and applied questions in your field of study. Or visual art pieces, creative writing, poems, digital storytelling (podcasts, StoryMaps, etc), or performance-based projects.
If you're not sure if your project is appropriate for this event, check with your liaison librarian.
What should I include in my submission summary?
Summaries should provide an introduction and/or background to the project that offers context of the research, project, art or scholarly work for the viewer or reader. For all submissions, students should describe the purpose, approaches, and key elements of their work, including any relevant significance or inspiration. This may be through detailing a problem statement or thesis, materials, methodology, subject, key findings, results and analysis, and conclusions, implications and recommendations. Or this may be through a statement that details the inspiration for the work, the meaning the work signifies to the student, any artistic influences or themes, and unique methods employed.
For works still in progress at the time of submission, students should include their anticipated findings and indicate that results and conclusions will be presented at the Forum.
Please see U of T's page on writing abstracts for additional tips.
What kind of help is available to students who want to participate in the Forum?
Contact your liaison librarian for help with research skills, preparing your submission, and creating your final display.
Students are welcome to attend one (or both) of our informal drop-in information sessions outside the library on January 9 & 14 2025 if they have general questions about the proposal or the URCF in general.
Scholarly communication and presentation skills workshops and feedback sessions will also be available to all finalists in March 2025 to help them hone their skills as necessary.
Are group assignments or projects eligible?
University of Toronto Scarborough undergraduate groups or teams may participate in the Forum. The undergraduate students must be the principal investigators or primary creators. All students that contributed to the project must be listed.
Undergraduate research and creative activities being presented must have been pursued during the Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Winter 2025 terms. Students cannot submit the same project as last year unless there are significant changes or advancements in the final outcome.
Are part-time students eligible?
Yes. All students registered in a University of Toronto Scarborough undergraduate degree program who are in the process of completing that degree are eligible to apply. The undergraduate students must be the principal investigators or primary creators. All students that contributed to the project must be listed.
Undergraduate research and creative activities being presented must have been pursued during the Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Winter 2025 terms. Students cannot submit the same project as last year unless there are significant changes or advancements in the final outcome.
May I apply to the University of Toronto Scarborough Research and Creative Forum if I work at the University of Toronto Scarborough Library?
Yes. All students registered and completing an undergraduate degree at University of Toronto Scarborough are eligible to apply. The undergraduate students must be the principal investigators or primary creators. All students that contributed to the project must be listed.
Undergraduate research and creative activities being presented must have been pursued during the Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Winter 2025 terms. Students cannot submit the same project as last year unless there are significant changes or advancements in the final outcome.
May I submit multiple submissions for the Forum?
You may only submit a maximum of one (1) individual submission and one (1) group submission to the Forum.
The person who knows the most about my project is not the course instructor, but a teaching assistant. Must the faculty support come from the instructor in charge of the course?
The faculty support letter must come from either the faculty member or the instructor teaching the course.
What if my project is taking place off-campus? Does the faculty support letter have to come from a University of Toronto Scarborough faculty member?
As long as a student is pursuing their undergraduate degree at University of Toronto Scarborough, the work being done can be with a professor (PI) off-campus. We will accept the support letter from a U of T professor or PI, or your professor at University of Toronto Scarborough, whichever you feel is best suited for your application.
I am a faculty member and have been asked to provide a letter of support for a student. Are there guidelines?
Please refer to the faculty support form.
What is the application process and timelines?
Complete the submission form by the February 25, 2025 deadline.
Summaries cannot exceed 300 words. Refer to the FAQs for additional guidance on what to include in your summary.
- Ask your faculty supervisor / instructor to complete and submit the faculty support form. Student submissions must be accompanied by a faculty support form to be eligible.
Successful applicants will be contacted on March 3, 2025 by 5:00 PM. It is crucial that all applicants check their U of T email accounts to find out if they were chosen to be a finalist as they must confirm their participation and then attend a mandatory info session on either March 4 or 5, 2025 (applicants will have indicated which session you will attend if selected to be a finalist when completing the online submission form).
Finalists will also be invited participate in dedicated scholarly communications and presentation skills workshops and drop-in support sessions in March 2025 (dates and further information will be provided to the finalists). Students are also encouraged to work with their liaison librarians throughout the process.
The finalists will be expected to create a digital display by March 26, 2025.
This deadline in advance of the Forum is required in order to accommodate logistics such as printing times and posting information to the library website.
I am a finalist, what do I need to submit for the Forum?
Finalists will be expected to present their displays summarizing their work to a generalist audience.
Finalists will receive additional information by email upon their acceptance to the Forum.
You will have the opportunity to discuss your final submission during presentation skills workshops and feedback sessions in March (details will be emailed to finalists).
What is the best way to present if we have a group of two or more students?
It’s up to you to decide how you want to present your work – creativity is very welcome! This will be discussed during presentation skills workshops and feedback sessions in March (details will be emailed to finalists).
How do I submit my final display?
Finalists should submit a digital facsimile of their final display via email to nina.adamo@utoronto.ca. If the file is to large to send via standard email, you may choose to use UTSend or upload your file to your OneDrive and then share the link to the file. Additional details will be provided to the finalists in March 2025.
What are the time limits for my presentation?
Final displays will be available through the day from 10:00AM-4:00PM. Finalists are expected to be in attendance to present their work for 2 hours, from 1:00PM - 3:00PM, to University of Toronto Scarborough faculty, staff, students, librarians, friends and family who are invited to browse all the projects. Recognizing that attendees will be moving from project to project, you should aim to have a short presentation (no more than 5 minutes) that succinctly communicates your research or creative project to a general audience.
(Optional) Want to provide a recording of your presentation for the Forum website? Here are a couple of options for you to consider:
Record your presentation video using a camera, smartphone, or webcam on your computer mimicking a ‘live’ presentation as much as possible. If you choose to record yourself standing next to your poster on a screen, you may wish to consider projecting it to a larger screen such as a TV instead of your computer monitor.
- Record your video using screen capturing software. Two software options for you to consider are Snagit which is licensed for the University of Toronto or the PowerPoint recordings feature available in Office365.
Note: Only videos 5 minutes or less in length will be posted to the website.
May I submit the same research or creative project to the University of Toronto Scarborough Undergraduate Research & Creative Prize or the Patricia and Peter Shannon Wilson Undergraduate Research Prize?
No. University of Toronto Scarborough students cannot submit the same assignment to both the Patricia and Peter Shannon Wilson Undergraduate Research Prize and the University of Toronto Scarborough Undergraduate Research and Creative Forum and University of Toronto Scarborough Undergraduate Research & Creative Prize.
However, University of Toronto Scarborough students may submit the same project to both the University of Toronto Scarborough Undergraduate Research & Creative Forum and University of Toronto Scarborough Undergraduate Research & Creative Prize. Please refer to their respective websites for additional information on eligibility and submission criteria for each initiative.
How are finalists selected?
Submissions to participate in the Forum will be reviewed by a committee composed of University of Toronto Scarborough librarians and staff and a representative from the Office of Vice Principal Research and Innovation.
The selection committee will include individuals with a variety of disciplinary knowledge.
The Selection Committee will be looking at the Content, Clarity and Communication of submissions. The questions below can be used to guide your submission application.
- Content: Does the submission clearly outline the nature, aims and significance of the work? How does the project fit within the larger context of the discipline/subject area?
- Clarity: What the submission written in language that is appropriate for a non-specialist audience? Information must be presented in accessible, non-technical, non-specialist language that can be understood by a layperson or non-specialist as well as by the expert.
- Communication: Are there spelling and grammar mistakes?
How will information about the Forum be communicated?
All URCF application decisions will be communicated via email.
A message will also go out on library social media channels to notify that the finalists have been selected.
An open invitation and various reminders to the University of Toronto Scarborough community showcasing to come view the finalists’ work at the URCF will go out via library and campus communication channels approximately 1 week before the event.
What are the important deadlines?
- Drop-in information sessions:
- January 9, 2025 10:00AM - 11:00AM
- January 14, 2025 2:00PM - 3:00PM
- Submission deadline: February 25, 2025 at 12:00PM EST (noon)
- Finalists contacted: March 3, 2025
- Finalists confirm participation and attend a mandatory info session: March 4-5, 2025
- Finalists skill building workshops and feedback sessions: March 2025 (finalists will be contacted directly with exact dates and further information)
- Final submission deadline: March 24, 2025 12:00 PM EST (noon)
- URCF: April 1, 2025.
Any other questions?
Contact your liaison librarian.
If you have a disability/health consideration that may require accommodations, please advise Nina Adamo or the AccessAbility Services Office before the submission deadline.